Inside the smell-o-verse: Meet the companies trying to bring scent to the metaverse | Fast Company

Inside the smell-o-verse: Meet the companies trying to bring scent to the metaverse Fast CompanyMay 19, 2022

Inside the smell-o-verse: Meet the companies trying to bring scent to the metaverse | Fast Company.

Zara Stone

“Smell, after all, is more than just a fragrant add-on to life; our olfactory neurons create unconscious, physiological responses. Japanese plum blossoms, for example, were found to activate the sympathetic nervous system, improving mood and energy.”

The applications of OVR Technology’s scent-simulating VR technology are growing! OVR’s ION has proven to be a valuable tool used in aiding the treatment of anxiety, stress, PTSD, and addiction. Now it’s shown its merits in the arts. OVR’s ION is being featured in the “Living With Scents” exhibition at San Francisco’s Museum of Craft and Design. The exhibition showcases innovative ways to experience and use scent. 

The focus on scent simulation in VR is also growing, with small passionate companies like OVR Technology and corporate giants like Amazon working to produce hardware and software that combines technology and smell. 

Read Fast Company’s full article “Inside the smell-o-verse: Meet the companies trying to bring scent to the metaverse” to learn more! 

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Using scent to drive outcomes by linking memory and emotion to create more immersive Virtual Experiences.

  • Mental Health
  • Corporate Wellness Tools
  • Effective Training for High Risk Occupation
  • Technology driven Holistic approaches
  • Immersive VR Experiences

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