OVR Technology is bringing smell to virtual reality | Axios Magazine

OVR Technology is bringing smell to virtual reality Axios

Axios - Published May 22, 2021

OVR Technology is bringing smell to virtual reality

“VR can already simulate sight, sound and a sense of movement, but adding smell can help stimulate memories and emotional experiences, making virtual reality all the more real.”

Axios magazine tried out OVR Technology’s “Shifting Homes” exhibition. “Shifting Homes” is a virtual reality experience that combines VR technology with scent simulation to immersively and realistically show the effects climate change will have on the Pacific Island of Samoa. 

"Later, as storms raged, I could smell the ozone from a lightning strike and the stench of smoke as a fire consumed the village, before rising seas submerged me beneath virtual water."

To read the full article on Axios experience, click here. 


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