Sarah Socia of OVR Technology: “Celebrate your successes” | Thrive Global

Sarah Socia of OVR Technology: “Celebrate your successes” Thrive Global

Thrive Global - Published May 1, 2021

Fotis Georgiadis

Sarah Socia of OVR Technology: “Celebrate your successes”

“When I graduated college, I wasn’t looking for a job let alone a career in the X Reality Industry. In the beginning, I was ideally looking for something that mixed creativity, science and healthcare outcomes where each day was not a carbon copy of the last. However, most people I knew graduating with a neuroscience degree were following the more traditional paths of laboratory research in academia, graduate school or medical school. Less traditional paths weren’t well paved. So, when I first learned about OVR Technology and how they are incorporating olfaction into virtual reality for better real-world outcomes, I felt like I stumbled upon this unique magical opportunity.”

“It’s exciting that virtual reality isn’t just an entertaining gaming technology, but also has promising applications in healthcare. It’s being used to train surgeons, improve patient relaxation, reduce patients’ chronic pain, and more.”

The work I do at OVR really blends together everything I was looking for: recreating scents is a mix of art and science, the product’s application isn’t for entertainment, but for real-world outcomes in markets including healthcare, and my input for strategic decisions often tap my learnings about neuroscience, sensory science, and psychology.

Our Vice President of Scentware at OVR Technology, Sarah Socia, was interviewed by Fotis Georgiadis of Thrive Global! In the interview, they discuss Sarah’s background in neuroscience, why she chose OVR Technology, projects she’s excited about, the applications of VR, and women in STEM!  

To read the full interview, click here.


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Using scent to drive outcomes by linking memory and emotion to create more immersive Virtual Experiences.

  • Mental Health
  • Corporate Wellness Tools
  • Effective Training for High Risk Occupation
  • Technology driven Holistic approaches
  • Immersive VR Experiences

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